About the Board

Governed by a Board of Directors, daily operations are managed by the Executive Officer and permanent staff. The governing body of the California Construction Authority is a 6–member Board of Directors which includes representatives from Solano and El Dorado County, the 22nd, 32nd and 46th District Agricultural Associations and includes representative from the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Meeting notices, agendas and supporting documents are posted as required by the California Brown Act.

Carlene Moore Photo

Carlene Moore

22nd DAA

Michele Richards Photo

Michele Richards

32nd DAA

John M Vasquez Photo

John M Vasquez

Solano County

Earl “Mick” McGuire Photo

Kathy Dunkak

El Dorado County

Russell (Russ) Vandenberg

46th DAA

Mike Francesconi Photo

Mike Francesconi

EX-Officio Member,

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